Jun 13 MH Community Yard Sale 8:30 am to Noon (2009)

The Montpelier Hills Community Yard Sale has been set for Saturday, June 13th, from 8:30a.m. - Noon. Post cards will be mailed to residents, an email will be sent to the MH-Interact@yahoogroups.com and advertisements will be placed in the Laurel Leader and Laurel Gazette. 

For those who wish to participate, please send your name, home address and contact number to mhyardsale@gmail.com.  If anyone is interested in volunteering on June 13th to help direct traffic to houses that are participating or installing and uninstalling "yard sale" signs throughout the neighborhood, please send your response to mhyardsale@gmail.com.   
Items for sale can be placed in your garage, driveway and front yard.  If you would like to submit a photograph of items being sold, or need to have a photo taken, let us know and we will do our best to add the photographs to the list of houses that are participating in this event in the Internet email. 

- Montpelier Hills Recreation Association Board